Michelle Webster

Director and Clinical Lead of Feel Well Therapy

Therapies I Provide:

I started my career as an Occupational Therapist in the NHS in 1993, before moving to mental health services in 1995, working in GP practices. 

Over the years there has been many changes in mental health services and the demand for services is high. I have always enjoyed my work and have gained considerable experience in working with  clients that have presented with a wide range of mental health difficulties and severities  in my clinical roles within community mental health teams, in patient services, a crisis and home treatment team,  primary care, and IAPT services.

I am an experienced and accredited CBT Therapist and Supervisor with the BABCP and also a qualified EMDR Therapist.

I am professional, caring, and straight talking in approach. 


Whilst I enjoy working with all psychological difficulties I have a special interest and many years of experience in helping clients to recover from trauma, whether this is related to adversity or abuse in childhood, relationships, or due to personal injury.

I work with clients referred from Solicitors and Rehabilitation companies ( both via video and face-to-face sessions ) to help them to recover.

In more recent years due to my own personal experience, I have developed a special interest in working with women who are experiencing peri or menopausal symptoms, helping hem to navigate this challenging time in their life’s. 

 In my role as Director and Clinical lead in Feel Well Therapy I aim to provide referrers and clients with a quality service. 

 I triage all clients who contact our service and aim to link clients with the right therapy and  therapist for their difficulties. I am always looking for ways to develop and improve services and welcome feedback from our clients and referrers. 

I have a great team of experienced therapists that work with me and am proud to say that 96% of our clients would recommend us to friends and family .